Welcome! (Introductory Post)

Hello, and greetings from the Everything PC Now team (Which is just me at the moment), this is Vascal and I wish you a happy, and joyful greetings. The Everything PC Now blog revolves around everything tech, and I will duly try to crunch down topics like cryptocurrency, cybersecurity, PC hardware, console gaming, and heck - I'll talk about how great calculators are as well. I'll also talk about games, that are cheap and free, and a major emphasis on low-end PC's, and budget technologies. Its slightly rare that I'd talk about the RTX 3090's, or a Ryzen Threadripper CPU and all that - its usually the kind mentioned above. 

As a high-schooler (And that's all I'll tell you), I haven't had as much exposure to a variety of tech, but enough for me to start small blogs on small topics. Hopefully, I'll get into motion into making helpful, informative, and explanatory posts that can provide as much insight into the world of technology as possible. 

Heads up, the upload rate for this blog would fluctuate - since I haven't had enough support, or a proper audience to write to, I'm very less dedicated to creating blogs than say when I have at least 5 unique people tuning in and reading what I write. And I really swear, even if I have like a handful of active subscribers, rather than a whole load of inactive subscribers, I'd be more pleased than a Christmas day with my very own custom PC (No wait, errr - they are both equally special, lets just say that). 

So if you are one of those people, who are genuinely interested - please do subscribe to this post, and don't be afraid to comment down below, or you can even contact me via my email (In my About Me), or even through Discord, which is more preferred; vascal#5708. I'll leave it there, got any questions, make sure to contact me. If you got any recommendations or any of that sort, please, please do tell me - I'd kill to have my blog tailored to your needs, and wants.

- Vascal


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